Stand for international law! Vote Palestine!

Electoral candidates – 2024 is your chance to demonstrate your commitment to international law, human rights and all of us by taking the ‘Stand for international law, Vote for Palestine!” pledge.

By signing this pledge, you’re promising to call for the implementation of international law and relevant UN resolutions as well as for the ICJ rulings during your mandate, and act on what millions of EU citizens have been calling for. Now is the time for our voices to be heard – and more importantly, the protection of lifes of those that are in grave risk.

Stand for international law! Vote Palestine!


” As part of my commitments for the human rights, and for a just and lasting peace based on international law, I pledge, if elected to be a Member of the European Parliament, to:

– demand a final and complete end to the current war and siege against the population of the Gaza Strip, the withdrawal of the Israeli forces and the start of reconstruction; oppose any forcible displacement of the Palestinian population;

– call for the end of the occupation and colonisation of the occupied Palestinian territory by the State of Israel;

– support and call for an end to EU trade with Israel’s illegal settlements in Palestine;

– call for the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement in light of Israel’s violation of Article 2 for its war in Gaza, as well as the suspension of any trade of military equipment and of any military cooperation with Israel, as long as Israel violates human rights and international law;

– work towards the enforcement of the rights of the Palestinian people, including the right of self-determination, and all UN resolutions;

– work for EU compliance with the principle of non-recognition of Israel’s illegal annexation of occupied East Jerusalem, and the prevention of forced displacement of Palestinians;

– support freedom of expression, and oppose any conflation of criticism of the policies of the State of Israel with antisemitism; protect the digital rights of the Palestinians;

– support funding for UNRWA and reject attempts to impose specific conditional funding on
Palestinian civil society;

– work towards ending Israel’s impunity; support the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice”

Please note that pledge signatures are first open to the candidates to the elections to the European Parliament. They are also open to current Members of the European Parliament and their political parties.

they signed the pledge…